Page 66 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 66

64                  THE MIRACLE OF THE HONEYBEE


                             Fertilized                 Unfertilized  From the eggs
                                                                      laid by the
                                                                      queen, different
                                                                      types of bee
                       Light         Heavy feeding                    emerge, de-
                      feeding        + Royal Jelly                    pending on the
                                                                      modes of fertil-
                                                                      ization and


                 Differences between the Queen and the Other Bees
                 The queen differs in terms of her general structure and appearance. For

              example, although the workers are female like the queen, their ovaries are
              not developed—in other words, all worker bees are sterile. The queen’s
              head and thorax are little larger than those of the workers. And unlike the
              worker bees, the queen’s mandible is not suited to making wax cells. The
              queen bee’s hind legs also lack the workers’ hard hairs which fringe the
              pollen baskets. Most important of all, although the queen hatches from ex-

              actly the same sort of egg as the workers, she lives for from 4 to 5 years (ex-
              cept for those emerging in winter, who live for a few months), rather than
              just 5 to 6 weeks.
                 These are just a few of the general differences between the queen and
              the workers, which are set out in greater detail on the next page.
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