Page 81 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 81
Harun Yahya 79
The Special Characteristics of the Drones, Mating and
The male bees leave the hive and start looking for the queen some two
weeks after they emerge from their cells. During the males’ mating period,
a new function of the substance given off by the queen emerges: Thanks to
it, the males can locate the queen during her mating flight.
As if to compensate, the bodies of the males possess a number of
anatomical features superior to those of the hive’s female workers and the
queen. For example, the drones’ compound eyes have a larger number of
facets (from 8,000 to 10,000) than those of the females. There are about
2,600 smelling pores on the males’ antennae. Their wings are also more
powerful than those of the workers.
Careful inspection shows that the males, with their very different fea-
tures to those of the females, are created for a specific end—that is, for
them to locate the queen with little difficulty. The males need to be able to
fly at a height for long periods while searching for the queen and to be
able to locate her fragrance from a long distance away. Therefore the males
possess these attributes, which are very different from those of the other
bees in the hive.
The fact that every living thing pos-
sesses the features necessary for it is
just one of the indications of the flaw- Is it other than the re-
less order in the universe. Such an ligion of God that you
order absolutely cannot have come desire, when every-
about by chance. It is God Who creates thing in the heavens
all living things, together with the char-
and earth, willingly or
acteristics essential to them. This order
unwillingly, submits
that prevails throughout the entire uni-
to Him and to Him
verse is just one of the proofs of God’s
you will be returned?
limitless creative artistry.
(Surah Al ‘Imran: 83)
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