Page 77 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 77
Harun Yahya 75
Tending the young
Building the comb Storing food
Inhibiting the develop- Preventing the emer-
ment of worker ovaries gence of new queen
The upper section of this graphical representation shows part of the duties of the worker bees
and, in the lower section, the effect of the queen bee on the workers.
existing larvae with royal jelly. 64
There is another important point here. As already noted, the cells for
those larvae raised as queens are generally wider than the others. Under
emergency circumstances, there is no possibility of the larvae to be raised
as queens being transferred to larger queen cells. Their cells are of the
standard worker size, which might pose a problem for the developing
queens. Yet for the bees, it represents no difficulty.
Adnan Oktar