Page 75 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 75
Harun Yahya 73
Another effect of this signal on the bees is it restrains them from con-
structing another royal cell for as long as the substance is present in the
This substance also ensures discipline in the hive. Therefore, the queen
needs to constantly produce enough of it in order for the hive to carry out
all its everyday functions. This chemical released by the queen needs to
reach all the bees in the hive, and the necessary level of queen substance
These diagrams show how the
pheromones released by the queen
are perceived by the messenger
workers and distributed to
the other workers. They
disseminate the
pheromone by touch-
ing one another and
cause internal
1 – The queen , with worker
bees waiting around her to
receive the pheromones she
queen pheromones
4 – The queen’s pheromone
2 – A worker bee with the will soon be translocated in-
queen’s pheromone on it ternally into the worker bees’
3 – Worker bees distributing
the pheromone by touching
one another