Page 11 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 11
he many tasks that animals carry out and their actions
require a degree of judgement, knowledge, experience
and expertise going far beyond what they could imag-
T inably do with the degree of intelligence available to
them. Even simple observation is enough for us to know that it is
not the animals themselves that produce these superior character-
istics. Consider the ability of birds migrating thousands of kilo-
metres to navigate faultlessly, the marvellous architectural skills
employed by spiders when spinning their webs, the perfect coop-
eration and sharing of duties in ant colonies, the wonderful geom-
etry of the honeycombs, built cooperatively by thousands of bees,
and countless other examples...
The source of intelligence and will that enable animals to do
these things is to be found neither in their bodies nor in nature, but
rather in the conscious intervention of a hidden intelligence and
power which reveals itself at every stage. Even if the owner of this
intelligence and power cannot be seen, such intervention in events
provides enough evidence of the existence of this power to remove
all doubt.
The evolutionist scientists who are aware of this also admit to
the existence of a power that goes far beyond the ability of these
creatures to carry out their labours, but they limit their explana-
tions of the subject by calling this power “instinct.” Because they
do not wish to acknowledge the true holder of this power they call
instinct, they also invent a name for it and call it “mother nature.”
However, to date, no evolutionist has been able to show the place
where the order is given for what they call instinct, to define what
they call “mother nature,” to explain whether it is a stone, a tree, a
river, a mountain, a sea or a star.
As a result, the evolutionists create an imaginary god out of
what they call “mother nature” and apply the term “instinct” to