Page 16 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 16


                     Let’s illustrate with an example the difficulty the mosquito
                 faces in finding the most suitable place for its eggs. Imagine you
                 are trying to reach somewhere in a place that is full of hills, trees
                 and hollows and you are walking under the hot sun without any
                 means of help like a sunshade or a vehicle. You can imagine how
                 tiring such a journey would be.
                     When we think how small a mosquito is, we can imagine
                 how difficult, even impossible it could be to find a suitable place.
                 However, the mosquito does this effortlessly and lays its eggs with
                 ease. Thanks to a special receptor on the underside of its abdomen,
                 it can determine whether the moisture content and temperature of
                 the ground make it a suitable place for the eggs. It scans the
                 ground tirelessly to find the most suitable place.

                     The arduous task begins…
                     Let’s give some thought to how a creature such as the mos-
                 quito can carry out the task of measuring the moisture content and
                 temperature of the ground.
                     Conducting research into
                 earth is quite a painstaking task.
                 Human beings make use of spe-
                 cially designed devices to ascer-
                 tain the degree of moisture, the
                 age and the fertility of the earth
                 and to determine what minerals
                 and materials it contains. Detectors are used or the earth is probed
                 and samples examined in a laboratory, because it is somewhat dif-
                 ficult to obtain reliable results from an operation—such as dig-
                 ging—without knowing what there is, how deep it is and how
                 much of it there is. A mistake results in wasted effort, time and
                 money, which is difficult to recoup.
                     As for the mosquito, it first scans the ground to get a conclu-

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