Page 17 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 17
The Adventure Begins
sive result. It obtains information on the general state of the
ground, evaluates its findings and makes a decision according to
the conclusion it comes to. At this point it should not be forgotten
that we are not talking about a fully equipped technical device, but
a little creature only 10 mm (0.4 inch) in length.
The talents of the mosquito
Let’s go over what has been explained so far and think about
how a mosquito manages to do this.
A creature 10 mm (0.4 inch) in length is making a conscious
investigation. Its aim is to find an environment for its eggs which
will meet the needs of the hatching young. The first thing we need
to think about is how the mosquito knows what requirements its
eggs have.
The mosquito has no knowledge of concepts such as temper-
ature change and humidity rate. For example, it does not know the
moisture content, the water content of a unit volume of earth. Nor