Page 18 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 18
does it know that the enzymes and proteins in the eggs will be ac-
tivated by the right degree of moisture and heat. It would of
course be unreasonable to think that the mosquito knows what
protein and enzymes are, what they are for, under what conditions
they will be activated to ensure the development of the egg, and
how to look ahead and act on the basis of this knowledge.
In that case, how is it that a mosquito knows that it has to find
the right degree of moisture and heat?
The mosquito is an insect with no capacity for such talents as
thinking or learning. Nor is there any question of its receiving any
kind of training. So what is the knowledge that makes this insect
act in accordance with a specific aim?
The second important detail is the technical equipment the
mosquito uses when conducting its research. The mosquito is cre-
ated with an organ that is in exactly the right place to give an ac-
curate assessment of heat and moisture.
But how did the mosquito come to acquire such an organ?
Did the mosquito decide to fix a kind of “detector” to its body as
a result of its observations and trials on the needs of its young?
And then on the basis of this decision, did it make some changes
to its own body? Or was it part of the imaginary “evolutionary
process” that one day quite by chance an organ, which again by
chance is capable of measuring heat and moisture, was appended
to the body of the first mosquito to appear on the scene?
Naturally, none of these scenarios is plausible. They evoke
hundreds of questions that invalidate the evolutionists’ explana-
tion of coincidence. Given the impossibility of the evolutionists’
claims let us further emphasise their lack of logic by supposing
that this organ appeared by chance. First of all, it is not only this
sensitive receptor of the mosquito that needs to be perfect but all
the other organs too. Because, an organ that is not in perfect work-