Page 23 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 23

Skills of the Mosquito

               There is a very interesting system at work. The mosquito recog-
               nises the opposite sex by the beat of her wings.
                    First of all, the female could well beat her wings more slowly
               and the male beat his more quickly. This creates a number of ques-
               tions that need to be answered by evolutionary theory, which puts
               the characteristics of living things down to coincidence.
                    If the mosquito exists as a result of coincidence, it would be
               expected that the wings of each mosquito would beat at a random
               speed. For there is no reason necessitating the wings of the male to
               beat more slowly and those of the female to beat more quickly.

               However, each mosquito beats its wings at a specific speed to dis-
               tinguish its sex as though it is conforming to some order. In fact
               this frequency difference has no meaning just by itself. If the male
               mosquito were not created with such a superior sense of hearing,
               this beating of the wings would have no meaning. The vibrations
               produced by the female mosquito would be as meaningless to the
               male mosquito as they are to humans. In such a situation, mating
               would not take place due to the male’s inability to perceive the fe-
                    Without a doubt the opposite could also be possible. If the

               male had an excellent sense of hearing, but if all mosquitoes,
               whether male or female, beat their wings at different frequencies,
               the perceptive ability of the male would be rendered useless. This

                      Female mosquito                  Male mosquito

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