Page 28 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 28
wait a bit longer to lay my eggs.”
The mosquito cannot acquire this knowledge through experi-
ence, for at the first trial the eggs would dry up and the new gen-
eration would be wiped out. For the success of the species, the
mosquito must have some knowledge on the subject, but it is ob-
vious that it cannot acquire this by itself.
Such examples are given to help better understand the situa-
tion, but as has already been mentioned, the mosquito has no ca-
pacity for learning. Nevertheless, the mosquito makes an extreme-
ly appropriate and far-sighted decision, which saves the lives of
the next generation.
At this point it is worth dwelling on a very important ques-
tion. How is knowledge passed on from generation to generation?
If the newborn in question were a human being, its education
would take years. Everything it knows would be taken from the
experience of life and education gained after birth. However,
every female mosquito, whose entire life consists of only a few
weeks, has the knowledge it needs from the very beginning of its
life. Who taught it this knowledge? On whose orders do mosqui-
toes act?
Although these questions on the breeding of mosquitoes are
of little interest to most people, the answer constitutes a very im-
portant subject, which is of interest to everyone.
The mosquito, in common with all other living creatures, acts
on the inspiration of God, Lord of the heavens and the Earth. This
is the only true answer. Every living creature including man is un-
der the control of God, whether or not it is aware of this. This is ex-
pressed as follows in a verse of the Qur’an:
“I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There
is no living creature on Earth whose destiny He does not
control. Straight is the path of my Lord.” (Qur’an, 11:56)