Page 33 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 33
Phases of Development
The changing of colour to merge with the environment by the
effect of photons emitted by the Sun is a somewhat complex chem-
ical process, and the knowledge of this system is already installed
in the cells of the egg shell. All the necessary chemical and physi-
cal processes for this effective form of defence are realised without
exception in all mosquito larvae. All these facts lead us to only one
conclusion: The creator of this finely planned process to protect
the larvae in case of need has superior power. This power belongs
to God, the Creator of all things. This is set forth as follows in a
verse of the Qur’an:
That is God, your Lord. There is no deity but Him, the
Creator of everything. So worship Him. He is responsible
for everything. (Qur’an, 6:102)
Unsinkable eggs
The underside of the egg of the Culex mosquito has a funnel-
shaped hollow. The purpose of this hollow may not be obvious at
first sight, but in further stages of the egg’s development it
emerges that it has a vital function. Thanks to the air filling the
hollow it acts as a life buoy and keeps the eggs afloat.
However, the hollow can lead to serious problems for the
egg. The hollow located under the egg, which can be termed a “life
buoy,” can easily be rendered useless if the egg “capsizes.” For this
reason a single egg laid on the water cannot float for long. If its bal-
ance is disturbed by the slightest rocking motion, it will overturn
and the air-filled hollow will fill with water causing the egg to sink.
However, in order to survive, the eggs have to stay above water.
What would you do in this situation to stop the eggs sinking?
Mosquitoes solve this problem in an ingenious way by stick-
ing the eggs together. The eggs are stuck side by side into a disc
shape and form a natural floating raft. This disc, which is about 11