Page 32 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 32


                     Female mosquitoes can lay from 40 to 200 eggs at a time in
                 water. There are some that lay their eggs once every three weeks
                 and others that lay once a year. The mosquito eggs have different
                 characteristics according to where the species lives, the enemies in
                 that environment or dangers that may be encountered. Some are
                 very carefully packaged, some are packed tightly into a space, and
                 some are supported with air pillows to prevent them from sinking.

                     Camouflage expert eggs
                     Once the eggs leave the mother’s side they are left totally de-
                 fenceless. At first, because of their bright yellow colour they are
                 motionless preys, easy to spot. A great number of enemies await
                     But mosquito eggs have an important characteristic. The
                 colour of the eggs, which are laid at night, turns to black at first
                 light. In this way they are well camouflaged from insects and
                     At the larval and pupal stages of some species of mosquito,
                 such as the anopheles, they are able to change colour to fit in with
                 their environment. So if the larva is put in a black or white envi-
                 ronment, it immediately takes on the colour of that environment.
                     Naturally neither the egg nor the larva, or even the mother
                 mosquito who has gone through these stages, has any knowledge
                 of this colour change. The mosquito larvae have absolutely no idea
                 that there are enemies around them, that the mother has left them
                 and that they are alone and defenceless. But this situation doesn’t
                 pose any problems for them, because they have been created with
                 the most suitable form of defence, as well as their other needs be-
                 ing met. The pigments in the outer layer of the eggs or larvae are
                 activated by sunlight and camouflage themselves by growing

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