Page 31 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 31

Phases of Development

                    Each one of the cells making up the embryo complies with
               the programme and acts jointly to stop the development.
                    If there is a programme, there must be a programming intel-
               ligence that wrote it. It is inconceivable to claim that even the sim-
               plest computer programme wrote itself, that is to say, as a result of
               information coming together by chance. In that case, of course, it
               is far more unreasonable to claim that an embryonic programme
               as yet unsolved by the human mind could have been produced as
               a result of coincidence.
                    There is only one explanation for this extraordinary event. It
               is because all the cells act on the inspiration of God that they can
               make such conscious moves.

                    Let us now leave the subject of the halting of the mosquito
               egg’s development and return to the subject of waiting for a suit-
               able environment.
                    This feature is of vital importance from the perspective of
               continuation of the species. For example, one variety of desert
               mosquito lays thick-skinned eggs that can crack after a period of
               one or two years. These eggs survive for years without spoiling
               and then split open for the larvae inside to continue their devel-
               opment as though nothing unusual has happened.
                    Due to this resilience, mosquitoes can be found in almost
               every part of the world. Mosquitoes can live in places where the
               arctic temperature falls to -60°C (-76°F), in the humid, hot and air-
               less atmosphere of mines, or in deserts where, apart from two or

               three wells, there is no other water supply for miles.
                    In the north of Iceland at the Arctic Circle there is a lake called
               “Mosquito Lake” (Lake Myvatn). Frozen larvae found in iced-over
               lakes hatch from the eggs when the ice melts as if they have not
               been frozen in ice for months on end. Their development takes off
               from where it left off and they develop into mature mosquitoes.

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