Page 35 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 35
Phases of Development
The mother mosquito binds the eggs together into a raft shape. This is the
best solution for preventing the eggs from sinking.
the egg, is endowed with the necessary knowledge and constitu-
tion for this task and has been “programmed” for it.
It is quite a painstaking task to stick eggs together one by one
and make a raft. And since these eggs will split open in the next
season, the mosquito will die without seeing the result of its
labour. After laying the eggs it has no further ties with the eggs.
The mosquito, which will shortly die, goes to great lengths at no
personal gain to ensure the safety of its eggs after its death.
Something that is really worthy of note at this point is that the
mosquito has absolutely nothing to gain in spite of all its effort. The
laborious task it carries out has no effect on its own life. That is to
say, the mosquito doesn’t go to these lengths to stay alive, but to
save the next generation. It makes the most appropriate decision
and does all the necessary things to perfection to succeed in a diffi-
cult task to save a generation it will never see, and will never know
what conditions it will develop under and what dangers it will face.