Page 40 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 40


                     Bamboo mosquitoes
                     Some mosqutio species lay their eggs in bamboo stems,
                 which provide for the larvae a safe environment that also meets
                 their other needs.
                     Like other mosquitoes, these mosquitoes have a unique
                 method of egg laying. The mosquito sticks its rear legs through the
                 holes of bamboo stems into the water left inside and thus assures
                 itself that the eggs will drop into water, where they will continue
                 their development.
                     When the first rain falls the eggs go into the incubation phase.
                 Within 2-3 days of the eggs being laid, the incubation phase comes
                 to an end and the grubs start to hatch. The grubs inside the eggs
                 mature and hatch at practically the same moment. Within a
                 minute all the grubs start wandering around in the water. They
                 move around non-stop, eating virtually anything they come across
                 and grow at an incredible rate.
                     Was it the ancestors of these species of mosquito that con-
                 cluded from their observations that the most secure place for their
                 young was bamboo stems and then decided that all descendants
                 should use the same method? Was this order then passed on from
                 generation to generation to every new female?
                     As we have seen, such questions inevitably confront us at
                 every stage. The answers to these questions lead every person
                 with a conscience to one point: the fact of creation. In a little water
                 collected in some bamboo stem in some part of the world or oth-
                 er, there is a life form that we do not know about, that we have not
                 even thought about, and this life form has been created in a per-
                 fect manner. This perfect creation encompasses the entire universe.
                     God points out in a verse of the Qur’an the importance of

                 thinking about His creations:
                     … And the water which God sends down from the sky—by
                     which He brings the Earth to life when it was dead and scat-

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