Page 41 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 41

Phases of Development

                    ters about on it creatures of every kind—and the varying di-
                    rections of the winds, and the clouds subservient between
                    heaven and earth, there are signs for people who use their
                    intellect. (Qur’an, 2:164)
                    And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread
                    about far and near there are signs for true believers.
                    (Qur’an, 45:4)


                    THE LARVAL PHASE
                    The young mosquito newly emerged from the egg bears no
               resemblance to the mature state. It is as though it is a completely
               different creature. The body of the larva is approximately 1-1.5
               mm (0.04-0.05 inch) in length and is divided into 3 sections con-
               sisting of the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head is oval-
               shaped with eyes on either side that meet in the middle, with a
               short antenna above each eye. But the larva has to go through a
               long and difficult journey before it turns into a mature mosquito.
                    The larvae live underwater. Because they eat constantly, they
               enlarge 6-7 times in the space of a week. This is the only time in
               the mosquito’s life cycle that it grows. The larva is just hungry, eats
               and gets bigger.

                    How does the larva feed in the water?
                    In this phase in order to breathe the larva has to remain sus-
               pended over the water without drowning. But there is a problem:
               How can a mosquito, which constantly needs to feed, get food
               when it is constantly suspended above water? A special method
               has to be found for this, but the creature in question is only a lar-
               va, with no capacity to think or develop a method.
                    If necessity dictates, the larva can dive into the water, but only

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