Page 45 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 45

Phases of Development

                    Say: “Have you thought about your partner deities, those
                    you call upon besides God? Show me what they have creat-
                    ed of the Earth; or do they have a partnership in the heav-
                    ens?” Have We given them a Book whose Clear Signs they
                    follow? No indeed! The wrongdoers promise each other
                    nothing but delusion. (Qur’an, 35:40)

                    What if water gets into the snorkel?
                    Thanks to snorkel-like organs, the mosquito larvae can carry
               on their lives in the water with ease. However, there is a danger in-
               herent in breathing through a snorkel. Waves forming on the wa-
               ter or the effect of wind can result in water getting into the snorkel
               and therefore the mosquito drowning.
                    However, thanks to an important preventative measure, the
               mosquito is protected from being harmed by this potential danger.
               The end of the snorkel that comes into contact with the air is cov-
               ered with a special kind of oil. This oil has a water repellent (hy-
               drophobic) property. When the larva is suspended head-down in
               the water, the oil prevents water getting through the hole of the
               respiratory tube.
                    This secretion is specially created for water. When the larva is
               put into a fluid other than water, for example petroleum, the se-
               cretion fails to function. Petroleum gets into the snorkel and caus-
               es the larva to drown.
                    The fact that the tip of the respiratory tube of a 10 mm (0.4
               inch) larva is just a few millimetres in length is not something that
               can be passed over lightly. Let’s point out the details:
                    -there is a special precautionary measure to eliminate the risk
               of water getting into the snorkel,
                    -the secretion is produced exactly where it is needed, i.e. by
               the cells at the tip of the air tube,
                    -this oily secretion is produced in every new generation...

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