Page 48 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 48


                 of the creature for a liver to emerge in the next generation. One sin-
                 gle mistake in the millions of ciphers would result in the liver not
                 being formed, or not being able to function and being harmful
                 rather than beneficial to the animal. The imaginary creature in
                 question would not be able to survive and would die out.
                     This brings us to another point. What would the creature in
                 question do until the liver formed in its body? Which organ would
                 carry out the vital functions per-
                 formed by the liver? Obviously, it is
                 illogical even to think that such a
                 creature may have existed. The first
                 human being came into the world
                 perfectly formed, which means that
                 he must have been created.
                     In the same way, the mosqui-
                 to also has to carry the characteris-
                 tics it possesses in the form of ge-
                 netic coding in its DNA. Otherwise
                 these characteristics would not ap-
                 pear in the next generation. The ge-
                 netic coding of not only the respi-
                 ratory tube but also of the oil pro-
                 duced by the cells at the tip of this
                 tube would have to be introduced
                 simultaneously, completely and faultlessly into the reproductive
                 cells of the imaginary creature supposed to be the ancestor of the
                 mosquito, which is an impossibility. This means once again that
                 the mosquito came into existence perfectly formed, i.e. it was cre-
                     So how does the mosquito distribute the air it breathes
                 throughout its body?
                     The air taken in by the mosquito fills two small sacs. These lit-

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