Page 52 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 52
vance, already has the materials necessary for house building. It
secretes a gelatine-like substance, which can easily be shaped. The
larva, using this material to the best advantage in a way most suit-
ed to its own needs, makes a nest resembling a tube, which is open
on both sides. It buries this tube in the mud or the sand or carries
it around.
What is worth pointing out here is that the larva starts to
build a house to protect itself as soon as it hatches from the egg,
and it already has the necessary materials in its body, in a ready-
to-use form.
Obviously some kind of training, and hence a certain knowl-
edge of chemistry, is necessary to produce a substance that can
easily be shaped underwater but which remains effective in water.
As the larva is not a chemist, it is not possible for it to produce the
secretion using its own intelligence and knowledge. It is com-
pletely senseless and illogical to consider such a possibility. Even
if, in spite of the impossibility of the situation, we suppose that the
larva has used its own skill and intelligence to produce such a sub-
stance, it is not feasible to think that it has installed the system pro-
ducing the secretion in its own body. It is also obvious that it can’t
build such a nest and bury itself in the sand of its own accord.
Even if a larva acquires these characteristics, whether by
chance or by experience, it cannot pass on its acquired knowledge
to the next generation. If a living thing has innate knowledge, and
if it uses this knowledge to best advantage and naturally possess-
es all the facilities and equipment to make use of this knowledge,
this can only mean one thing: All these things are achieved under
the control of a superior intelligence, and are created together with
this creature. The superior intelligence that gives this knowledge
and attributes to the creature, that brings everything into existence,
is our Lord. It is expressed as follows in a verse of the Qur’an: