Page 56 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 56


                     Towards the end of the pupal phase the mosquito becomes
                 much darker in colour and the skin becomes more transparent.
                 Within five days, the pupa’s skin splits and the mature mosquito
                 is ready to emerge from the water. This moment is a show of as-
                 tonishing expertise, for the young mosquito leaves the floating pu-
                 pa without touching the water. It has to be able to do this, as it can-
                 not fly if its wings get wet.
                     The wings and legs have already completed their develop-
                 ment during the pupal phase and are ready waiting inside the pu-
                 pa till the time for their use.




                   During the pupal stage, the wings and legs of the mosquito become fully
                   formed inside the cocoon floating in the water. It is extremely important
                   for the structures necessary for flying to be formed perfectly underwater.
                   The perfect formation of structures that enable a creature to fly in a differ-
                   ent environment whilst submerged in a cocoon under the water is just
                   one of the examples of supreme creation.

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