Page 58 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 58
the mosquito’s feet there is a special structure to prevent them
sinking in the water.
If there were no such feature on the mosquito’s feet, the ani-
mal would drown in the cocoon before emerging on to the water.
After extracting itself from the cocoon, the mosquito rests for
a while on the water and then flies off.
Of course there are other aspects of this miraculous transfor-
mation that should be given due consideration:
- The larva living in the water has no way of knowing what
flying is. Yet the wings it needs to fly have developed perfectly
while it is still in the water.
- It would mean the end of the mosquito if the development of
the wings enabling it to fly and the formation of the feet enabling
it to stay on the surface of the water were not completed while it
was still in the water. The mosquito would drown as soon as it
emerged from the pupa. However, everything is ready on time.