Page 63 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 63
eaving behind its watery world and setting forth in a
new world, the mosquito is now an entirely different
creature. The new body of this creature is full of
L countless miracles, as in the previous stages of devel-
opment. On close examination of the mosquito’s body, the signs of
a very special creation are evident in every detail. Now let’s get ac-
quainted with these miracles by dealing with the mosquito’s struc-
ture section by section.
The mosquito’s body is divided into 3 sections: the head, the
thorax and the abdomen.
A fully equipped control centre: The head
There are two feelers on the upper side of the mosquito’s
head. These feelers are rich in sensory cells, and are very sensitive
receptors. The male mosquito’s feelers are much more sensitive
than those of the female, bcause at mating time, thanks to these
feelers, they can perceive the frequency of the female’s wing beat
in the midst of a multitude of sounds.
In the female mosquito between the feelers there is a tube for
sucking blood. This sucking tube does not have a simple structure;
contrarily it contains a somewhat complex system. In fact it is the
casing for a very special cutting and vacuuming mechanism. One
of the names for this mechanism, called the “labium.”
When the mosquito bites, this sheath folds back and the cut-
ting mechanism goes into action. This mechanism consists of 6
parts. Four of these are very effective cutting knives. They are
strong enough to cut as easily into the skin of a frog or the scales
of a snake as into the human skin.
The other two parts join together to make an empty tube. The
mosquito sticks this tube into the wound opened by the knives en-
abling it to suck the blood of its victim.