Page 67 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 67
A Brand-New Body
capacity control system
in the mosquito’s ab-
domen is further evi-
dence of the supreme art
of creation.
People use similar
systems to the ones
found in bloodsucking
insects such as the mos-
quito in water storage
facilities. Water drawn In nature, mosquitoes provide a source of
food for a variety of animals. A camouflaged
by pumps is transferred
spider traps a mosquito (above).
to storage containers,
which have special sensors to control the water level. When the
water in the storage container reaches the maximum level, the
pump automatically stops.
Now let’s draw a rough comparison between the two sys-
tems: The water motors usually weigh dozens of kilos or more. In
addition, they are extremely noisy and need an enormous amount
of energy to function. In time, the connectors to the pipe and the
gaskets wear out and the water starts leaking. Or else, they require
maintenance for reasons such as rusting.
The suction system in the mosquito’s head is smaller than one
cubic millimetre. What’s more, the pump does not require mainte-
nance even once in the lifetime of the mosquito. This system nev-
er wears out or stops functioning. There is never any dysfunction
in the system. Pumping systems, which are the product of high
technology, are extremely primitive in comparison with this per-
fect mechanism.
Without a doubt, neither mosquitoes nor other insects pos-
sessing these perfect systems can create them at will. There is a
supreme Creator Who creates this perfect system in them. This