Page 68 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 68


                 Creator is God, Who controls all. The knowledge of our Lord is
                 contained in everything. It is God, the Lord of the Universe, Who
                 controls all and creates everything to perfection. This is expressed
                 as follows in a verse of the Qur’an:
                     This is God’s creation. Show me then what those besides
                     Him have created! The wrongdoers are clearly misguided.
                     (Qur’an, 31:11)
                     Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes do not feed on blood.
                 The mosquito obtains its nourishment from nectar. Male mosqui-
                 toes do not suck any blood throughout their lives. However, fe-
                 male mosquitoes suck blood to supply the need for protein of the
                 eggs during the egg-laying stage. It takes 3-4 days to digest the
                 blood they suck. Then the bloodsucking operation is repeated. For
                 female mosquitoes this cycle lasts to the end of the egg-laying

                     Sensitive receptors to sense the location of prey
                     If you are asleep in a pitch-dark room at midnight, a mosqui-
                 to can find you easily. Even if your whole body is under the cov-
                 ers with only your hand sticking out, the mosquito will instantly
                 find that piece of flesh and take blood from that source. Even
                 though the subject is one that is distasteful and which people may
                 not wish to give thought to, we must still ask how this animal
                 manages to do this. What is the secret that enables it to seize its
                 prey in the dark?
                     The answer reveals another superior design to us: The mos-
                 quito is equipped with a complex system that enables it to find its
                 prey. This system consists of receptors sensitive to heat, gas and
                 various chemical substances. By this means the mosquito can eas-
                 ily identify its prey in the dark.
                     The use of heat-sensitive receptors is a somewhat effective
                 method that is frequently used nowadays in military technology,

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