Page 71 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 71

A Brand-New Body

               chance. If it didn’t have this system of perception from the begin-
               ning, the mosquito would not find its prey and the eggs would
               die. That is to say, it is not a question of development over time.
                    Let’s repeat once more the receptors possessed by the mos-
               quito; heat, humidity, gas and chemical substance receptor sys-
               tems. And in addition to these, vibration feelers for perceiving the
               opposite sex.
                    The fact that a mosquito is equipped with such an effective
               receptive system means that its needs are catered for from the first
               phase of its development. The Creator of this perfect system Who
               brought the mosquito into existence is God. Just as God has pro-
               vided for every living thing on Earth, He has also given them the
               necessary skills and equipped them to make use of this provision.
               This fact is made known as follows in a verse of the Qur’an:

                    There is no creature on the Earth which is not dependent
                    upon God for its provision. He knows where it lives and
                    where it dies. They are all recorded in a Glorious Book.
                    (Qur’an, 11:6)

                    Biting the prey
                    When the mosquito senses one of the stimuli such as heat,
               gas, moisture and chemical secretions, it heads straight for its prey.
               The mosquito lands on its prey so gently that in most cases it is not
               even felt. Then it finds the most appropriate place to pierce using
               a pair of devices located in the mouthpart, which are called

                    The first incision is made with the upper and lower jaw. The
               four cutters in the sucking tube cut deep into the skin. The senso-
               ry organs of heat, smell, taste and touch play an important role in
               establishing where the capillaries are concentrated under the skin.
               After a few attempts the mosquito finds the vein.

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