Page 75 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 75
A Brand-New Body
nique that has been developed with the help of medical knowl-
edge. How has the mosquito acquired this knowledge?
◆ Since it is extremely difficult to synthesise this fluid even
under laboratory conditions, how has the mosquito acquired it?
◆ Is it pure coincidence that this fluid is to be found exactly
where it is most needed in the cutting knives that will rupture the
◆ How can it be explained that there is an excellent mecha-
nism in a tube that is 0.1 cm (0.03 inch) in length with a radius of
approximately 0.01 cm (0.003 inch) found in a creature no more
than a centimetre long, and that every mosquito without exception
has always had such a system and knowledge?
The answer is obvious: The mosquito cannot be the genius
with information on the chemical composition of the human body
that evaluates this information and develops solutions in its own
body. It is evident that the system that enables this secretion to ex-
ist in the mosquito and to be injected into the veins of its preys can
only be the creation of a Supreme Creator Who has the most de-
tailed knowledge of the anatomy of both humans and mosquitoes.
It is revealed in the Qur’an that our Lord is the “Lord of the
worlds.” “World” is used in the plural sense to mean “different
worlds, different dimensions or different orders and systems.” The
word “Lord” encompasses meanings such as “educator, rearer, or-
ganizer, law-giver, master.” The incredibly difficult “operation”
that the mosquito carries out in the human body is a small world
within it. The author of the superior “design” in this world, the de-
tails of which we are unaware and are only just beginning to dis-
cover by means of science, is our Lord, God.
The duty of man, who can easily be defeated even by this lit-
tle creature, is to try to see the signs God created in different
worlds, and to acknowledge the might of the Lord, as it behoves
Him. God calls on man to reflect on this subject in verses of the