Page 79 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 79
A Brand-New Body
Qur’an as follows:
Humanity! An example has been made, so listen to it care-
fully. Those whom you call upon besides God are not even
able to create a single fly, even if they were to join together
to do it. And if a fly steals something from them, they can-
not get it back. How feeble are both the seeker and the
sought! They do not render to God the homage due to Him.
Yet God is Powerful, Almighty. (Qur’an, 22:73-74)
Superior flying technique
The wings of the mosquito beat approximately 500 times a
second. This is why the sound is perceived by the human ear as a
buzzing sound. This rate, which seems like a physical impossibil-
ity to us, has been established as a result of very sensitive mea-
surements and is a truly astonishing figure.
An example can help us to understand the subject more easi-
ly. If someone’s arms were tied to a machine and made to flap 500
times a second, the outcome would not be favorable at all: The
shoulder joint would rupture, the connections would burn, all the
ligaments holding the arm together would snap and the arm
would be completely disabled. If the movement was made for
more than a second, the shoulder would be dislocated and the arm
would break off. This movement, which is impossible for humans,
is part of the daily life of the mosquito.
Naturally, this miraculous ability is realised with the help of
various support systems innate in the mosquito.
First and foremost, the muscles and connectors that make the
wings flap have to be extremely strong and resilient.
The second condition is that these muscles have to be pro-
vided with energy. As we know, cells use oxygen to synthesise en-
ergy. Resilience increases in direct proportion to an increased ca-