Page 82 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 82
Say: “To whom does everything in the heavens and on
the Earth belong?” Say: “To God.” He has made mer-
cy incumbent on Himself. He will gather you all on
the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no
doubt. As for those who have forfeited their souls,
they will never believe. (Qur’an, 6:12)
has many flight features superior to those of a helicopter or a
For a helicopter or a plane to fly, specially refined fuel is used.
Before each flight, it has to be refuelled with this somewhat ex-
pensive fuel. On the other hand, the mosquito gets all its energy
from the nectar it feeds on. Planes and helicopters undergo main-
tenance before every flight, and the engine parts are periodically
renewed. Encountering no such problems, the mosquito keeps on
flying throughout its life, thanks to the strength of the muscles on
its back.
Present day aircraft have acquired their current features as a
result of years of research and lengthy experimentation. The pool
of knowledge utilised has accumulated over hundreds of years. At
every stage of development, human brain power and design has
been employed. But however advanced technology may be, man
is way behind the flight technology found in nature. No existing
technology can make a machine with the dimensions and the
flight characteristics of a mosquito.
It should not be forgotten that the being we are comparing
with machines is a 10 mm (0.4 inch) creature composed of millions
of small living parts (cells). With its circulation, excretory and ner-
vous systems, a heart that constantly beats, eyes that see, its re-
ceptor systems and millions of cells synthesizing proteins, it is a