Page 86 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 86
is to be found in the roots of plants and cut into the roots to get at
this oxygen.
◆ The larvae have specially designed brushes around the
mouth, which enable them to feed by creating a current in the wa-
ter and filtering it.
◆ The larvae make themselves an appropriate home and are
provided with everything they require to do so.
◆ Larvae living in flowing water have hooks on their tails so
that they can hang on to something and avoid being swept away
by the current.
◆ The larvae that hang head down in the water have an air
tube resembling a diver’s snorkel that enables them to take in air
from above the water level.
◆ Inside the tube there is a special isolation material that
keeps water out.
◆ The larvae, which are exposed to the sun all day and have
a transparent skin, have a protective shield of uric acid to stop
them shrivelling up in the sun.
◆ In the transition to the pupal stage, the larvae have a spe-
cial organ for splitting their skin, which they lose at a later stage.
◆ In the final metamorphosis of the pupa, the skin splits from
the head at the surface of the water. (If it were to split from any
other point, the interior of the cocoon would get wet.)
◆ The head section of the cocoon is also insulated with a spe-
cial material.
◆ The mosquito emerges from the pupa submerged in water
without its body or wings coming into contact with the water.
◆ From being a creature living in water, it emerges as a per-
fect flying machine.
◆ The male mosquito is able to recognise the female by the
frequency at which her wings beat.