Page 83 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 83
A Brand-New Body
far more complicated fusion than a plane or a helicopter.
When asked how planes or helicopters are made, people will
say that they are made by senior engineers in advanced factories.
They know only too well how ridiculous and illogical it would be
to claim that these aircraft were formed as a result of the chance fu-
sion of metals. But a percentage of the same people will claim that
the mosquito, which is not even brought into the debate as being
superior to the two types of aircraft, came into existence as the re-
sult of “coincidences occurring in the evolutionary process,” in
other words, without any kind of planner. For it is difficult for
them to accept the existence of a planner, that is to say, the exis-
tence of God, because that would entail cleansing themselves of
their “ideological” reasoning, which would be contrary to their in-
They are only deceiving themselves in so doing. The mosqui-
to is an insect that came into existence after going through a num-
ber of miraculous phases in a swamp or a pool of water. Whatever
stage technology may develop to, it cannot bring a living thing in-
to existence, not even a single fly. Because creation is the preserve
of God, the Lord of the worlds. And every creation is evidence of
His existence. The judgement given in the Qur’an; “... Those
whom you call upon besides God are not even able to create a
single fly, even if they were to join together to do it...” (Qur’an,
22:73) is valid for all eternity for those who
deny His existence, and shows the extent
to which they contradict and deceive