Page 46 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 46


                     Can these factors be explained by coincidence? Of course not,
                 because coincidence causes confusion. Millions of coincidences hap-
                 pening one after another would mean chaos. Systems and mecha-
                 nisms consisting of independent parts working in unison for a com-
                 mon aim are not the product of chaos but of intelligent design.
                     Evolutionary theory makes the assertion that living things
                 have evolved over time from a simpler form to their present state.
                 According to this theory, this development occurs as a result of a
                 chain of coincidental changes.
                     However much you try to dress this up as “scientific,” using
                 Latin names and complex terminology, the essential logic of evo-
                 lutionary theory can be expressed in a single word: “Coincidence.”
                     Now let’s have a look at the claims evolutionary theory
                 makes about how the special structure enabling mosquitoes to
                 breathe was formed.

                   Brushes around the mouth

                                           thorax       Thanks to a special kind of
                                                        hydrophobic oil found at the
                                                        tip of the snorkel, no water
                                                        can get in, as the oil is wa-
                                                        ter-repellent. The fact that
                                                        such a special substance for
                                                        such a specific function is
                                                        found in exactly the right
                                         abdomen        place is a point for which
                                                        evolutionary theory can pro-
                                                        vide no explanation.

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