Page 24 - The Miracle in the Mosquito
P. 24
would mean the extinction
of the mosquito at the first
generation in both scenarios.
This clearly shows us
that the system enabling
mosquitoes to recognise one
another for the purpose of
mating has had to function
perfectly since the very first
Pincers the male uses to hold the female
pair of mosquitoes. Thus the
when in the air. If it were not for these
only explanation for the sud- pincers, mating would not be possible
den emergence of such a and the mosquito species would die out.
finely tuned system is an in-
telligent design. God created the mosquito with this special system
already in-built.
Reflecting on the evidence of creation
The mosquito is one of the proofs of creation mentioned in
the Qur’an. God creates boundless evidence to remind man of His
existence and His omnipotence. It is of the utmost importance to
be aware of this fact, to reflect on it and to acknowledge God’s
power. Each person has a duty to reflect on the evidence of cre-
ation and live his life with the consciousness of the true purpose
of his existence. The fact that man can discover this purpose
through reflection is contained in a verse of the Qur’an:
Have they not travelled about the Earth and do they not
have hearts to understand with or ears to hear with? It is not
their eyes which are blind but the hearts in their breasts
which are blind. (Qur’an, 22:46)
It is very easy for a person to comprehend God’s existence. In
the Qur’an, Prophet Abraham (pbuh) is given as an example of
this. Prophet Abraham (pbuh) acknowledges as a matter of con-