Page 34 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 34
Transfer RNA. It
binds to amino
acids and move
them into place
on the ribosome
as needed. Each
type of tRNA
binds only a sin -
gle one of the 20
different amino
acids. Amino
acids attach to
the appropriate
tRNA at one end,
which has folded
into a three-
dimensional L-
shape. Such a
perfect harmony
taking place in an
area one billionth
of a millimeter is
clear evidence for
A protein is produced in the ribosome factory with the help of many
enzymes and as a result of extremely complex processes within the cell.
Ribosome is a complex cell organelle made up of proteins. Therefore, this situ-
ation also brings up another unreasonable supposition that ribosome, too,
should have come into existence by chance at the same time. Even Nobel prize
winner Jacques Monod, who is one of the most fanatical defenders of evolution,
explains that protein synthesis can by no means be underestimated so as to
depend merely on the information in the nucleic acids:
The code is meaningless unless translated. The modern cell's translating
machinery consists of at least fifty macromolecular components which are