Page 30 - The Secrets of the DNA
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(ribosomes and RNAmolecules), originate?' For the moment, we will have
            to content ourselves with a sense of wonder and awe, rather than with an
            answer. 5
            Another evolutionist authority, world renowned molecular biologist Leslie
          Orgel, is more outspoken on the subject:
            It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids , both of which
            are structurally complex, arose spontaneously in the same place at the
            same time. Yet it also seems impossible to have one without the other. And
            so, at first glance, ONE MIGHT HAVE TO CONCLUDE THAT LIFE
            MEANS.  6
            Saying "life could never have originated by chemical means" is the equiva-
          lent of saying that "life could never have originated by itself" . Recognition of
          the truth of this statement results in the realization that life is created in a con-
          scious way. For ideological reasons, evolutionists, however, do not accept this
          fact, clear evidence of which is before their eyes. To avoid accepting the exis-
          tence of God, they believe in nonsensical scenarios, the impossibility of which
          they are also convinced of.
            In his book "Evolution: ATheory in Crisis,"about the invalidity of the theory
          of evolution, renowned molecular biologist Prof. Michael Denton explains the
          unreasonable conviction of Darwinists:

            To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programmes of higher organ-
                                           isms, consisting of something close to a
                                           thousand million bits of information,
                                           equivalent to the sequence of letters in
                                           a small library of one thousand vol -
                                           u m e s,  containing  in  encoded  form
                                           countless thousands of intricate algo-
                                           rithms  controlling,  specifying,  and
                                           ordering the growth and development
                                           of billions and billions of cells into the

                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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