Page 27 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 27

During the type-setting, let us intervene several times and tell the type-setter to
          press one of keys blindfolded and at random. Then let us give this text contain-
          ing letter errors to someone else and have him do the same thing over again.
          Using this method, let us have the book type-set from the beginning to the end
          several times, thus having a few more letter errors added to it at random each
             Could this history book ever develop by this method? For instance, would
          an additional chapter named "The History of Ancient China", which previously
          was not present, emerge?
             To be sure, the letter errors we have added to the book would not develop
          it, but rather ruin it and distort its meaning. The more we increase the number
          of faulty copying processes, the more spoiled our book will be.
             Yet the claim of the theory of evolution is that "letter errors help develop a
          book". According to evolution, mutations (errors) occurring in DNAhave led to
          beneficial results by accumulating and thus furnishing living beings with per-
          fect organs such as eyes, ears, wings, hands and consciousness-related qualities
          such as thinking, learning, and reasoning.
             Unquestionably, this claim is even more unreasonable than the above exam-
          ple of the addition of the chapter called "The History of Ancient China" to a
          book on world history as a result of the accumulation of letter errors. (Moreover
          there is no mechanism in nature that causes regular mutations as in the exam-
          ple of the type-setter making regular mistakes. The mutations in nature take


                                                            Far left: A normal
                                                            fruit fly (drosophila)
                                                            Left: A fruit fly with
   Antenna                                                  its legs jutting from
                                                            its head; a mutation
                                                            induced by radiation.

                 HARUN YAHYA
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