Page 22 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 22

sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to
                                   be almost a miracle." Even in Crick's view, who
                                   was one of the biggest experts on DNA, life
                                   could never originate on earth spontaneously.
                                      The data in DNA, which is made up of 5 bil-
                                   lion letters, is composed of a special and mean-
                                   ingful sequence of letters A-T-G-C. However, not
                                   even a single letter error should be made in this
                                   sequence. A misspelled word or a letter error in
          Francis Crick
                                   an encyclopedia may be overlooked and ignored.
          It would not even be noticed. However, even a single mistake in any base pair
          of DNA, such as a miscoded letter in the 1 billion 719 million 348 thousand
          632 nd  base pair, would cause terrible results for the cell, and therefore for the
          person himself. For instance, haemophilia (child leukemia) is the outcome of
          such an erroneous coding.
            In truth, it would be incorrect to call this "erroneous coding", because like
          every other thing that exists, the human DNA, too, is created by God and even
          the seldom occurring mistakes come about with respect to a hidden cause
          (divine purpose). The coding mistake which causes cancer is a specially created
          disorder. It is created specially for a certain hidden cause to show man his own
          weakness and impotence, remind him of the delicate balances man's creation
          depends on, and of what kind of troubles he may face in case of the slightest dis-
          turbance in these balances.

            Self-Replication of DNA
            As known, cells multiply by dividing. While the human body is initially
          composed of a single cell, this cell divides and reproduces by folds with a ratio
          of  2-4-8-16-32...
            What happens to DNAat the end of this dividing process? There is only one
          DNAchain in the cell. However, it is evident that the newly formed cell will also
          require a DNA. In order to fill this gap, DNAcompletes an interesting series of
          operations, every phase of which is a different miracle. Finally, soon before the

                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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