Page 26 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 26

Evolutionists Cannot Explain How the Information in DNA
            Originated and How It Differs in Every Species
            While evolutionists can in no way bring any explanation to the subject of
          how DNA originated, there is yet another point where they reach an impasse.
          How come fish, reptiles, birds, human beings etc. have come to possess differ-
          ent DNAs and different types of information?
            Evolutionists answer that question by saying that the body of information in
          DNA developed and diversified over time by means of coincidences. The coin-
          cidences they refer to are "mutations". Mutations are changes which take place
          in DNAas a result of radiation or chemical action. Sometimes radioactive radi-
          ation happens to fall on a DNA chain and destroys or displaces several base
          pairs therein. According to evolutionists, living things have reached their pre-
          sent perfect state as a result of the diversification of a single DNA due to these
          mutations (i.e., accidents).
            To show that this claim is unreasonable, let us compare DNA to a book
          again. We have already mentioned that DNAis made up of letters lined up side-
          ways just like in a book. Mutations are like the letter errors that occur during
          the type-setting of this book. If you like, we can do an experiment on this sub-
          ject. Let us ask for a thick book about the history of the world to be type-set.

            Mutations are defined as breaks or replacements taking place in the DNA  molecule.
            These breaks or replacements are the result of external effects such as radiation or
            chemical  action.  Every  mutation  is  an  "accident"  and  either  damages  the
            nucleotides making up the DNA  or changes their locations.
                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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