Page 17 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 17
be the most unwise thing possible, and moreover a greatest insincerity and
insolence. This would be a great disrespect against the owner of that wisdom
and power.
Nevertheless, many people, who would readily say that it is impossible for
stones to be arranged within themselves and form even three little words, can
listen without objection the deceit that it was all as a result of "coincidences" that
billions of atoms came together one by one in a planned sequence and formed
a molecule such as DNA, which performs such a super-complex task. This is
just like a hypnotized person's submitting to the hypnotist and accepting by
suggestion that he is a door, tree or a lizard…
The Language of the DNA Encyclopedia
The life of societies is based on information flow, and communication. The
most important tool in the information flow between individuals and genera-
tions is language. Language is represented by specific codes, which are letters.
English is a language made up of 26 letters or we may say 26 codes. These codes
make up words and words in turn make up sentences. The
information flow and storage is realised by means of
these codes.
The language in the cell is similar to this. All the
physical traits of a human being are stored in the cell
nucleus being coded by this language, and it can be
used by the cell again by way of this language. This
language is that of the master molecule, called
DNA. The DNA language is made up of 4 letters; A, T,
G and C. Every letter represents one of the four special bases
called 'nucleotides'. Millions of these bases line up in a meaningful
sequence and make up the DNA molecule.
That is how the information in the data bank in the nucleus is stored. While
we describe the coding system in this data warehouse, we will continue to use
this letter analogy for the nucleic acid molecules which constitute DNA. These
letters match in twos each forming a base pair in this way. These base pairs add