Page 14 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 14

Then how can it be that
                                                     DNA, which is composed
                                                     of  the  arrangement  of  a
                                                    certain  number  of  unwise
                                                    and  unconscious  atoms  in
                                                    certain   sequences,   and
                                                     enzymes, working in a har-
                                               monious way, is able to achieve
                                            much work and organise countless
                                             complicated and diverse operations
                                               in the cell in a perfect and complete
                                                manner? The answer to this is
                                                very simple; wisdom is not in
                                               these molecules or in the cell that
                                             contains them, but in the self who
                                            has  brought  these  molecules  into
                                          being, programming them to function as
                                    they do.
            Shortly put, wisdom is present not in the work done, but in the creator of
          that work. Even the most developed computer is the product of a wisdom and
          intellect that has written and installed the programs to operate it, and then used
          it. Likewise, the cell, DNA and RNAs in it, and the human being made up of
          these cells are nothing but the works of the One Who created them as well as
          what they do. No matter how perfect, complete and striking the work is, the
          wisdom always lies with the owner of the work.
            One day, if you found a diskette on the table in the computer laboratory, and
          after looking inside, discovered that it contains billions of items of information
          about you, the first question that would come to your mind would be who has
          written these pieces of information and why.
            So, why don't we ask the same question for the cell? If the information in the
          diskette was written by someone, then by whom DNA, which has a much more
          superior and advanced technology, is designed in the most perfect manner, cre-

                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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