Page 9 - The Secrets of the DNA
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so that even a special branch of science has been set up to explore the secrets of
this molecule, many of which still remain hidden. The name of this branch of
science is "Genetics". Recognized as the science of the 21 st century, genetics is
still in the phase of crawling, as far as solving the mystery of DNAis concerned,
despite all the technological means at its disposal.
Life in the Nucleus
If we compare the human body to a building, the body's complete plan and
project down to its minute technical detail is present in DNA, which is located
in the nucleus of each cell. All the developmental phases of a human
being in the mother's womb and after birth take place within
the outlines of a predetermined program. This per-
fect order in the development of man is
stated as follows in the Qur'an:
The DNA, which is
found in the nucleus
of each of the 100 tril -
lion cells in our body, con -
tains the complete construc -
tion plan of the human body. It
is evident that such a complex
molecule could not be formed
by coincience spontaneously ,
as a result of an evolutionary