Page 7 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 7


            OF LIFE: DNA

                he progress of science makes it clear that
                living beings have an extremely complex
        T structure and an order too perfect to have
        come into being by coincidence. This is evidence to
        the  fact  that  living  beings  are  created  by  an  A l l -
        Powerful Creator with superior knowledge. Recently, for
        instance, with the unravelling of the perfect structure in
        the human gene which became a prominent issue
        due to the Genome Project, the unique creation of
        God has once more been revealed for all to see.
           From the U.S.A. to China, scientists from all
        over the world have given their best efforts to
        decode the 3 billion chemical letters in DNAand to
        determine their sequence. As a result, 85% of the
        data included in the DNA of human beings could be
        sequenced properly. Although this is a very exciting and
        important development, as Dr. Francis Collins, who leads
        the Human Genome Project states, so far, only the first
        step has been taken in the decoding of the informa-
        tion in DNA.
           In order to understand why the decoding of
        this information takes so long, we have to under-
        stand the nature of the information stored in

                 HARUN YAHYA
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