Page 8 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 8
The Secret World of DNA
In the manufacture or management of a technological product or plant, the
greatest tool employed is the experience and accumulation of knowledge that
man has acquired over many centuries. The necessary knowledge and experi-
ence needed for the construction of the human body, the most advanced and
sophisticated 'plant' on earth, is stored in DNA. The important point to note
here is that DNA has always existed since the first human being in all its pre-
sent perfection and complexity. As you read the lines below, you will also come
to see clearly how unreasonable it is to claim, as evolutionists do, that such a
molecule, with all its mind-blowing structure and properties, originated as a
result of coincidences.
DNA is delicately protected in the nucleus located in the center of the cell.
When it is recalled that human cells – numbering up to 100 trillions – have an
average diameter of 10 microns(A micron is 10 -6 m.), the smallness of the area
in question is better understood. This miraculous molecule is a clear evidence
of the perfection and extraordinary nature of God's art of creation. It is so much