Page 4 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 4




                 oday is the day of a major milestone in history. The materialist philos-
                 ophy, once imposed on the mass of humanity under the guise of sci-
          T ence, is ironically being defeated today by science itself.
            Materialism, the philosophy which holds that everything is composed of
          matter and which denies the existence of God, is actually the contemporary ver-
          sion of paganism. Ancient pagans used to worship non-living beings like wood-
          en or stone totem poles and considered them divine beings. Materialist philos-
          ophy, on the other hand, bases its claim on the belief that man and all other
          beings are created by atoms and molecules. According to this superstitious
          view, non-living atoms somehow organized themselves and over time acquired
          life and consciousness finally bringing man into being.
            This superstitious belief of materialism is called "evolution" . The belief in
                            evolution, first introduced in the pagan cultures of the
                             ancient Sumerians and then the ancient Greeks, was in
                              a way revived in the 19 th  century by a group of materi-
                                 alist scientists and brought onto the world agenda.
                                       Charles Darwin is the best known of these
                                       scientists.  The  theory  of  evolution  he

                                          The pre-Socratic Greek philosophers evidently
                                          received their concepts of evolutionary cos  -
                                          mogony from the even more ancient religious
                                          leaders of Egypt and Babylonia or Sumeria.
                                          The Sumerian tablets at the left are based on
                                          the superstitious belief of that time and refer to
                                          the imaginary stages in man’s creation.
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