Page 16 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 16

The complex structure of a living cell
           was unknown in Darwin's day and at
        the time, ascribing life to "coincidences
        and natural conditions" was thought by
          evolutionist to be convincing enough.
          However, the probability of the forma  -
        tion of a cell by chance is as unlikely as
          the chance printing of a book caused
           by an explosion in a printing house.
          This means that it is not possible for
          the cell to come into being by coinci  -
        dence and therefore, it definitely should
                       have been "created".

          tence', would he not be ridiculed
          even by children? In addition to
          this, if he uses a scientific style,
          makes  some  scientific  explana-
          tions,  and  puts  forward  some
          p robability  calculations,  would
          everybody not further doubt about
          his mind?
            The main idea we would like to give with these examples is this: If there is
          even the slightest sign of something planned somewhere, there certainly lies the
          traces of an owner of wisdom in that place. No product of wisdom would form
          by chance. If you roll white stones down the mountain billions of times, you
          would never obtain even a proper 'H', let alone a sentence such as "Everything
          is for the motherland". If there is a letter somewhere, everybody accepts that
          that letter is written by somebody. There would be no letter without a writer.
            The human body is trillions of times more complicated than the sentence
          'Everything is for the motherland', and it is definitely impossible for this com-
          plex structure to have been formed on its own, or by sheer "coincidence".
          Therefore, there is a Creator Who has planned and designed both the human
          and his cell and his DNAexcellently and perfectly. To claim the contrary would
                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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