Page 41 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 41

            Quite aware that the Second Law of Thermodynamics renders evolution impossi-
         ble, some evolutionist scientists have made speculative attempts to close the gap
         between the two so as to render evolution possible. As usual, even those endeavours
         show that the theory of evolution faces an inescapable impasse.
            One person distinguished by his efforts to marry thermodynamics and evolution
         is the Belgian scientist Ilya Prigogine.
            Starting out from the Chaos Theory , Prigogine proposed a number of  hypotheses in
         which order forms from chaos (disorder). Despite his best efforts however, Prigogine has
         been unable to pull off  the wedding. This is clearly seen in what he says:
            There is another question, which has plagued us for more than a century: What
            significance does the evolution of a living being have in the world described by
            thermodynamics, a world of ever-increasing disorder? 6
            Prigogine, who knows quite well that theories at the molecular level are not
         applicable to living systems, such as a living cell, stresses this problem:
            The problem of biological order involves the transition from the molecular activi-
            ty to the supermolecular order of the cell . This problem is far from being
            solved. 7
            This is the point most recently arrived at by Chaos Theory and related specula-
         tions. No concrete outcome has been attained that would support or verify evolu -
         tion or eliminate the contradiction between evolution, entropy, and other physical
            Despite all these evident facts, evolutionists try to take refuge in simple sub-
         terfuges. Plain scientific truths show that living things and the ordered, planned, and
         complex structures of living things could in no way have come into being by coinci-
         dence under normal circumstances. This situation makes it clear that the existence of
         living beings can only be explained by the intervention of a supernatural power. That
         supernatural power is the creation of God, who created the entire universe from noth-
         ing. Science has proven that evolution is still impossible as far as thermodynamics is
         concerned and the existence of life has no explanation but Creation.

         1 Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: ANew World View, New York, Viking Press, 1980, p.6
         2 J. H.Rush, The Dawn of Life, New York, Signet, 1962, p 35
         3 Roger Lewin, "ADownward Slope to Greater Diversity", Science, vol. 217, 24.9.1982, p. 1239
         4 George P. Stravropoulos, "The Frontiers and Limits of Science", American Scientistvol. 65,
         November-December 1977, p.674
         5 Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: A New World View, p.55
         6 Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos, New York, Bantam Books, 1984, p. 129
         7 Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos, p. 175
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