Page 44 - The Secrets of the DNA
P. 44

endowed with an intelligent mind.... There is no known law of nature, no
            known process and no known sequence of events which can cause infor -
            mation to originate by itself in matter...  13
            The words of Werner Gitt are the conclusions of "The Information Theory" ,
                              which developed in the last 20-30 years and which is
                                accepted  as  a  part  of  thermodynamics.  The
                                 Information  Theory  investigates  the  origin  and
                                 nature of the information in the universe. The con-
                                 clusion reached by the information theoreticians as
                                 a result of their long research is that "Information is
                                something different from matter. It can never be
                                reduced to matter. The origin of information and
                                 physical matter must be investigated separately."
                                     For instance, let us think of the source of a
                                    book. A book is made up of paper, ink, and the
                                      information it contains. Paper and ink are
                                         material elements. Their source is again
                                          matter: Paper is made of cellulose, and
                                           ink  is  made  of  certain  chemicals.
                                           However, the information in the book
                                            is nonmaterial and it cannot have a
                                           material  source.  The  source  of  the

                                                     A watchmaker determines how
                                                     to use these materials to pro -
                                                     duce a watch. He pours the
                                                     information in his mind to form
                                                     this watch from materials which
                                                     do not mean anything by them  -
                                                     selves. Wouldn't it be illogical
                                                     to claim that these pieces came
                                                     together and formed this
                                                     watch? The claim of evolution  -
                                                     ists on the origin of life is far
                                                     more illogical than this.
                                                      THE SECRETS OF DNA
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