Page 103 - Perfected Faith
P. 103
rest upon, and further, in the animate world, we can observe in what
complex designs these atoms were brought together, and how ex-
traordinary are the mechanisms and structures such as proteins, en-
zymes, and cells, which are manufactured with them.
This extraordinary design in life invalidated Darwinism at the end
of the twentieth century.
We have dealt with this subject in great detail in some of our other
studies, and shall continue to do so. However, we think that, consid-
ering its importance, it will be helpful to make a short summary here
as well.
The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism
Although a doctrine going back as far as ancient Greece, the theory
of evolution was advanced extensively in the 19th century. The most
important development that made the theory the top topic of the
world of science was the book by Charles Darwin titled The Origin of
Species published in 1859. In this book, Darwin denied that Allah cre-
ated different living species on the earth seperately. According to
Darwin, all living beings had a common ancestor and they diversified
over time through small changes.
Darwin's theory was not based on any concrete scientific finding; as
he also accepted, it was just an "assumption." Moreover, as Darwin
confessed in the long chapter of his book titled "Difficulties of the
Theory," the theory was failing in the face of many critical questions.
Darwin invested all his hopes in new scientific discoveries, which
he expected to solve the "Difficulties of the Theory." However, con-
trary to his expectations, scientific findings expanded the dimensions
of these difficulties.
The defeat of Darwinism against science can be reviewed under
three basic topics:
1) The theory can by no means explain how life originated on the