Page 76 - Perfected Faith
P. 76

                              IN THE QUR'AN

                    "You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah,
                    for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and
                        remember Allah always." (Surat al-Ahzab, 21)

               Allah has sent mankind an all-inclusive book that guides them on
              every issue they will need to resolve throughout their lives. How to at-
              tain maturity in one's faith, how to think, by which values to live and the
              goals to adopt in life are all revealed in this noble book… Over and
              above this, He sent prophets as role models who exhibited moral per-
              fection. By looking at the lives of these noble people, we can see how a
              person of perfected faith conducts his life. By enjoining what is right and
              forbidding what is wrong, the prophets helped their people to live by
              the principles of perfected faith. Besides, by telling the stories of the
              prophets of the past, Allah provided believers with examples of noble
              behaviour and the attitudes a believer should adopt.
               As mentioned earlier, no limits can be placed on one's faith and the
              love and fear one has for Allah. If one wills, one can find a way to one's
              Lord and draw nearer to Him. This being so, the people of perfected
              faith aim to attain the faith and wisdom of the prophets and of the right-
              eous people exemplified in the Qur'an. This is still not an ultimate goal,
              however. In the Qur'an, Allah stresses that believers should not set a
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