Page 81 - Perfected Faith
P. 81


         mained conscious of the fact that one's lower self is prone to evil. This
         is a form of morality peculiar to those having perfected faith who act
         with the awareness that employing the methods of the devil, the
         lower self stealthily approaches human beings and tempts those who
         ignore the voice of their conscience.
          The attitude of the Prophet Yusuf (as) towards his lower self is a
         manifestation of his moral maturity. No doubt, the ultimate fate of a
         person who shows such deep-seated submission to Allah and trusts
         in Him will be infinite good. Indeed, in return for this meritorious
         submission to Allah, he was placed in authority over the treasures of
         Egypt. Granting him a good life in this world and giving the good
         news of paradise in the hereafter, Allah stated that "He would not
         allow to go to waste the recompense of those who do good":
          And thus We established Yusuf in the land and he dwelt there
          as he pleased. We grant Our grace to anyone We will and We do
          not allow to go to waste the recompense of those who do good.
          But the reward of the hereafter is the best for those who believe
          and fear their Lord. (Surah Yusuf, 56-57)

          The Prophet Sulayman (as)
          In the Qur'an, Allah expresses the sincere faith of the Prophet
         Sulayman (as) as follows:
          To Dawud We gave Sulayman. What an excellent servant! He
          truly turned to his Lord. (Surah Sad, 30)
          One of the most important characteristics of the Prophet Sulayman
         (as) related in the Qur'an is his great power and glorious possessions.
         Beside these, Allah bestowed many special faculties upon him. In re-
         turn for all these blessings, the Prophet Sulayman (as) always prayed
         to Allah and turned to Him in gratefulness. One of his prayers is as
          … My Lord, inspire me to be thankful for the blessing You have
          bestowed on me and on my parents, and keep me acting rightly,
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