Page 83 - Perfected Faith
P. 83
sets an example to all Muslims for all time:
Allah has made an example for those who have faith: the wife
of Pharaoh… (Surat at-Tahrim, 11)
The perfected faith of the wife of the Pharaoh is exemplary, since
she came to put her faith in Allah under very difficult conditions, by
taking great risks. Moreover, unimpressed by a great fortune—the
like of which was attainable by only a very few people in this world—
she displayed a deep-seated devotion to Allah and evinced great
strength of character.
At that time, the people of Egypt believed that Pharaoh was in pos-
session of divine power. Abusing this belief of the Egyptian people,
Pharaoh dared to "declare himself a deity." While surrounded with
such imminent danger, the wife of Pharaoh showed her commitment
to Allah. Truly convinced that the beliefs adopted by the Egyptian
people until then were all false, she acknowledged the existence of
Allah. Certainly, this was a path, which demanded great patience and
only a heartfelt and sincere devotion to Allah would render this pos-
sible. A rational and strong-willed faith, quite remote from sentimen-
talism, could cope with the difficulties involved. Since the wife of
Pharaoh was a person of perfected faith, she adopted a rational ap-
proach and concealed her faith from the Pharaoh. She was honoured
by being held up as an example to all women:
To those who believe Allah has set an example in the wife of
Pharaoh who said: "My Lord, build a house in the Garden for
me in Your presence and rescue me from Pharaoh and his mis-
deeds and rescue me from this wrongdoing people." (Surat at-
Tahrim, 11)
Although the wife of the Pharaoh could have exulted in her afflu-
ence, she instead chose a life devoted to Allah alone and considered
the approval of Allah over and above all else. Her submission to
Allah, her putting her trust in Allah, her patience and maturity made
her an example to all humanity.